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Protect Your Livelihood: Insuring Your Home-Based Business

If you have a home-based business or you frequently work from home, having both your office space and the business itself insured is an essential part of your responsibility as a business-owner. One option that you may...

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State Minimums: Is It Enough Coverage?

At Wren Insurance Agency, we want to help ensure you are adequately protected, not just getting by the skin of your teeth! When your life and others' lives are at stake, you don’t want to just have the “minimum”...

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Do You Have a Smart Home? There Are Discounts For That.

I love technology. I have a Smart Phone, a Smart TV, and I hope I get a Smart Watch from my wife for Christmas! Though I wouldn’t say I have a “Smart Home”, many of us have a "smarter" Home than we may realize. Consider...

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Small Business Marketing Tips

Whether you are just starting your business or have been in business for 20 years, marketing should be a part of your roadmap to success. It is often difficult to devote the time to building your brand and sharing that...

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Black Friday, the Wren Way!

If you are like me, then you love finding a good deal and Black Friday (or Brown Thursday in most cases) is the day to find it! Did you know that according to the Consumer Electronics Association one in three Americans...

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Canine Liability Coverage

It seems that every few months we hear in the news about a severe injury caused by a dog bite. Dog bites have accounted for more than one-third of all homeowners insurance liability claims paid out in 2010, costing...

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Inspection Selection

What is a 4 point? It’s either a type of home inspection or a male deer. For insurance purposes we’ll talk about the male deer, I mean the home inspection. A 4 point inspection covers the four main components of one’s...

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Be Careful of Roofing Scams

When the economy is declining or business is slowing down for roofers, many of them will start to solicit business by going door to door to let homeowners know that they may need a new roof due to recent storms or...

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How I Got Into Insurance

Whenever I meet fellow insurance professionals for the first time, I always ask them how they got into the insurance business. It’s a fun question because of the wide range of answers people share. The interesting thing...

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Why Doesn't Wren Insurance Market Low Prices?

It seems that everyone who sells insurance is focused on telling you they have the lowest price. Everywhere you look, it’s “Save 15%” or “Average Customers Saved $500” or “Name Your Own Price”. Are these effective...

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