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Do You Know How Your Insurance Affects Your Mortgage Payment?

When you purchase your first home, if you are using a mortgage lender to finance your investment, you'll learn that your property taxes and home insurance fees are going to be included in your monthly mortgage amount....

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What Community Association Directors Should Know About Working With Citizens

While Citizens has become a popular choice among residential homeowners in recent years - due primarily to skyrocketing private carrier costs and non-renewals from companies leaving Florida - residential HOAs and Boards...

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Home Shopping? Here's What to Look for to Keep Your Insurance Prices Down

Shopping for a home can be a very exciting time, and while folks are looking for different things in their new residence, something you may want to consider are factors that can significantly increase or decrease your...

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What Community Association Directors Should Know About Working With Citizens

While Citizens has become a popular choice among residential homeowners in recent years - due primarily to skyrocketing private carrier costs and non-renewals from companies leaving Florida - the commercial world is...

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