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Replacement Cost Value vs. Actual Cash Value When it Comes to Home Insurance

At Wren, because we are protection minded, we always quote our home insurance policies using Replacement Cost Value (also known as RCV) on contents, versus Actual Cash Value (ACV). RCV is equal to the amount it would...

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How Car Insurance Apps/Plug-Ins Can Affect Your Rates

Today nearly a dozen different car insurance carriers offer a "safe driving" program for customers that elect to participate. These optional programs typically include either a plug-in telematics device that you...

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Choosing Auto Liability Limits: How much is enough?

If you've ever worked with Wren Insurance Agency to secure auto insurance, you may have noticed that we quote bodily injury liability starting at $100,000 per person and $300,000 per accident (also known as "100/300...

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Did You Know You Can Change Your Insurance Carrier at ANY Time?

When it comes to home and auto insurance - with very few exceptions - did you know that you can change your insurance carrier at any time? It's true! Whether you just signed up for a policy to meet a deadline but want...

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